Thursday, November 29, 2012

Where ya goin? Flying somehwere?

Let me tell you something people, this movie will make you NOT want to do two things: drink and fly. I had to get on a plane the day after I saw this movie, and it was not my favorite flying experience to date. Whip (Denzel Washington) is a pilot who struggles with alcohol and drug addiction. He awakens in the morning, still drunk and does some coke a few hours before he has to fly. This is the first 5 minutes of the movie-and also garnered my biggest eye roll moment of the movie-must the hot stewardess be completely naked through the first 5 minutes? Your man will love it, I suppose. Anyways, if you saw the trailer you know what goes down (ooh spoiler alert-the plane crashes, sorry!) and the movie is basically the aftermath of what happens to whip.

He struggles with his addictions big time. There are parts in the movie where I was honestly thinking, "get your shit together dude!" But hey, an edgy Denzel is my favorite Denzel ( a la Training Day, I guess?) The anticipation of Whip getting his act together (or not) is not an easy one. Especially when he has a drug dealer like John Goodman, who I must say is hilarious in all his scenes. He's serious about what he does, but funny at the same time (he tells one of the black body guards watching Whip, "go watch the door, Cee Lo!).

There is also a sub plot that involves a recovering heoin addict Whip befriends named Nicole. I spent half the film thinking it was Jessica Chastain (from The Help), but its not, and her part in the film seemed kind of boring and unneccassary anyways. I would absolutely recommend this movie, just maybe not before you travel, or have wine night with the girls. The again, Denzel is the in the movie...


  1. John Goodman steals those scenes. Especially the one towards the end in the hotel room. One of my favorite scenes!
    What do ya think Des, Oscar worthy???

  2. I am already super afraid of take-off and landing in a plane. I was quite literally having an anxiety attack during the first 15 mins of the movie. Palms sweaty, tensed up. But, I enjoyed the rest of the movie!

  3. Do you think this movie will be available on Paige's flight back to australia?
