Sunday, December 9, 2012

Silver Linings Playbook

I had wanted to see this movie ever since I saw the trailer a few months ago. I'm sure that the song I love so much (The Lumineers, 'Ho Hey') in the trailer had an influence on me, or maybe it's just the fact that I'm a HUGE Jennifer Lawrence fan. Whatever, it worked. I'm a big sucker for romantic comedies, and this is by far one of my favorites to date.

Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper)is a bipolar ticking time bomb, who has just been relased from a mental hospital after almost beating to death the guy his wife was cheating on him with. Biggest Eye Roll moment of the movie? The guy his wife was sleeping with is old and bald. WTF?! Sorry, not believable, its Bradley Cooper! You can't find someone who at least has all their hair? End rant. Anyways, Pat arrives at home with his parents (Jacki Weaver & Robert De Niro) upbeat, enthusiastic, and terribly manic as he is prepared to transform himself, physically and mentally in order to win his wife back.

Enter Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence). She is a girl in the neighborhood, a newly widowed girl who is also a little off her rocker. She's been busy sleeping with everyone at work after her husband dies, but now she too is on the road to redeeming herself. She and Pat form a quick bond, and after a little blackmail on Tiffany's side, Pat agrees to enter a dance competition with her.

The movie is ridiculously funny. Bradley Cooper is a hopeless mess, most of the time you want to slap him because he's so over the top crazy, but it's really hard because he's also really...good looking. Those blue eyes suck you right in! He rocks the short hair and beard too, which if you know me, is my thing. I won't sell Jennifer Lawrence short either, she's gorgeous. I still find it hard to watch her be anyone but Katniss (if you don't know you better ask somebody!) but she is very funny and after a second, I was in love with Tiffany.

Let's talk supporting characters. Rober De Niro plays Pat Sr. and he almost steals the movie. He has OCD big time when it comes to the Philidelphia Eagles, and it's kind of sad, but mostly funny. I haven't seen him be as funny or endearing since Meet the Parents. Oh and remember Chris Tucker? He's in this movie too! Where the hell has he been?! It's been 15 years since he was in anything non Rush Hour related! It was good to see him, and he brings a lot of comedy into the film.

There are a lot of good movies out there right now, and a lot of them are big Oscar contenders. Not sure if this one will get a nod for acting, but it should. Pat and Tiffany have an interesting chemistry that is fun to watch. As I recently just told a friend of mine regarding a certain Tiffany and Pat in my life, apparently crazy is still in.


  1. Makes me want to go see it NOW!!!

  2. I've been wanting to see this movie, but from the quick second I caught from the commercial, I thought it was as serious dance movie, LOL! Thanks for clarifying seeitlikedes! I'll be adding this to my Netflix!

  3. I love this review. I think I will get the girls together to see this during Christmas break !

  4. I love the 'eye roll moment' idea, glad you found a lil niche to go with your personality in movie reviews.
