Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pull It Together..saddest movies ever made

Hi my name is Desirae, and I am emotional movie-watcher. Look, I cry a lot during movies. If you know me, this is not BIG NEWS. I cry during movies at all times, sad parts, happy parts, insprirational parts...the list can go on and on.

What I wanted to do here was put in writing my top 10 tear-jerker movies, and why they deserve to be on my top 10. Some I've seen time and time again, others- only 1 or 2 times because its SO sad I refuse to put myself through it all over again. Since I am an emotional shlub, I'll inclue "honorable mentions' at the end, which means they were still so sad, just not top ten worthy. Unless you have been living under a rock recently, some of these might be spolier alerts. If so, sorry I'm not sorry. Ok, ready? Here we go..

1. Armageddon- I still remember seeing this for the first time in high school and my eyes were basically swollen shut afterwards. my ex boyfriend thought it would be best If I wear sunglasses on the way out. If your a big daddys girl, this movie will RIP YOUR HEART OUT. "I dont want to miss a thing" never sounded so depressing.

2. Seven Pounds- DAMN YOU WILL SMITH. I had to choose between this and Pusuit of Happyness, which both made me cry. But this one is depressing unlilke the ladder, so here we go. Will Smith is a man w, big time.He killed his wife and kid in a car accident (accidentally, of course) so he spends the whole movie meeting people he is going to give his organs to before he kills himself. The last scene with Rosario Dawson where she meets Woody Harrolsens character where he received Will Smiths' characters eyes is TRUELY heart wrenching.

3. Beaches- This movie is the ultimate friendship movie, showing how friendships can change throughout the years. I remember watching this movie as a little girl with my mom. I recall knowing what was happening in the last 15 minutes of the movie even then. What other movie captures the esscence of how it will feel when your best friend dies? *chills* I dont even want to go there.

4. Cast Away- Most of you might think this is a wild card on my list. Have you seen this movie? Tom Hanks' character is so sad, so lonely, so deserted, you know who he makes friend with? A volleyball. Can you imagine being that desperate? I cant. I remember watching this movie, and when he loses Wilson forever. "WILSON!!!!" UGH! NO!!! HIS BEST FRIEND?! I bawled. To this day, if I watch Cast Away on TV, I fast foward the "Wilson" part. F that.

5. Rudy- I am a big sucker for sports movies, and a LOT of them make me cry. But nothing quite compares to watching Rudy. Ive seen it a million times as a little girl. Its a huge underdog movie to believe in. AND (like most sports movies) its based on a true story. I dont care. You can put me in the last few minutes of the movies, where they put Rudy in for a few minutes and i will lose it. The story plus the music which accompanies the beautiful scene, is so amazing.

6. Titanic- Yeah, WHATEVER. Talk Shit. I dont care. I've seen this movie a bazillion times and it still pulls major heart strings. When the mom is putting her kids to sleep because shes poor and cant afford to get on a boat? Tears. When Jack and Rose say their final goodbyes on that big wooden door? Tears. When you see in the end Rose going to "heaven" where Jack awaits her? TEARS. Titanic is sad, dude.

7. Gladiator. AW. GLADIATOR. This is one movie where I can be placed right in the middle and I will watch it to the end. I am not even a Russell Crowe fan. When Maximus dies at the end, and you see him walking into the field toward his family, as his hand drags across the wheat- OMG I CANT DO IT..ILL CRY NOW...what a fantastic, beautiful movie. Every time I see it, I cry for Maximus.

8. Steel Magnolias- Most of you gents have probably never seen this flick. I dont know if my husband even has. It's right up there with Beaches. Julia Roberts plays the amazing shelby with a funny group of friends plus her mom (they ARE the steel magnolias)who must deal with her death once she dies. My best friend, Lauren and I think this movie is the end all, be all of movies about friendships. (My colors, are blush, and bashful!)

9.Marley and Me: I saw this on Christmas Day when it came out with my sister and husband. I remember telling them,"yeah! its about a CRAZY dog and a family, haha!" NO.Thats not even half of it.It's about a couple who adopts a dog, yes, and then grow a family and 15 years later the dog gets sick..and eventually is put down in the arms of his owner. UGH!!!! Look, I have a dog. Most of you do! Seeing this movie will just devastate you. My sister and I were wailing so bad during the last 30 minutes my husband was genuinely concerned. And when I left I had that hicupping cry that happens when you cry too hard and you wear yourself out. These days I steer clear of Marley & Me.

10. Million Dollar Baby- I went and saw this movie with Matt the day it won the Academy Award, and it made me appreicate it that much more. Hilary Swank plays Maggie, a poor, female boxer who by the halfway point of the movie, convinces Clint Eastwoods' character to be her manager. She starts out shitty but ends up being a short term amzing female boxer. She eventually becomes paralyzed due to a freak accident where Clints' characted puts her stool up right where she gets sucker punched- and she ends up paralyzed from the neck down. Her family abandones her, and she tries to kill herself by biting her tongue off. Clint ends up euthanizing her right before finally telling Maggie the meaning of a nickname he had given her, "Mo Chuisle", Irish for "my darling, and my blood," if you can make it through this movie without a tear I assume you are a robot.

Honrobale Mentions (meaning, I cried my eyes out during these movies, just could not fit them in: Terms of Endearment, Friday Night Lights, The Notebook, Braveheart, Legends of the Fall, The Help,)

Did I miss any sad, depressing movies? Leave them in the comments section!



  1. Beaches!!! so sad! Wilson!!!!! good job des! very impressive!


  2. This post made me sad. Marley and Me hit me the hardest. Haven't seen Seven Pounds- but it sounds good (Ill prepare myself for the tears). -Wendy
